torsdag 26. april 2012

Find A Way. Workout.


Part of the point with this No-Excuse project is that there is absolutely no excuse when it comes to your body, your health, your fitness. You are your only savior. Your PT can nag and challenge you - but only you are the one who can get up from the couch to actually do what you know you need to do. Take responsibility for your self. There is no point blaming it on genes, time, age, all comes down to YOU. You decide how you want to live, prosper, bloom.

"The workouts are too hard." = means you are too lazy. The workout will not kill you. It is intentionally hard to give you the best results you have ever had. It is as hard as you push it to be. YOU need to push through this. The harder you push, the faster and better the results.

"The workouts are too difficult". There are modifications for every exercise. If you can't do what I do, do it in a way that works for you. Modify more, if my modifications is not enough. Do push ups off a wall. Do squats sitting down and rising from a chair. There is ALWAYS a soulution. There is something you can do. If there is an exercise you still can't seem to get right - skip the exercise. Don't skip the workout!

"I'm too slow" - Slow is fine. Do the exercises as slow as you want - as long as you do them as fast as YOU can. Could you only do 5 mountain climbers in 50 seconds? I don't care. As long as you did the five and felt it challenging, you are doing it right.

"I don't have the time". Of course you have the time. Maybe you don't have the time to do a full workout. Maybe you don't have the oppotunity to get sweat and needing a shower. But you sure has five minutes here and there where you can practise your one legged squats, take three burpees or throw in two push ups. You don't need to do everything at once, as long as you are doing it within the day. Every little exercise you do counts. They have a curious way of adding up, making you a better you. Give your self small challenges: are you able to do 50 deep squats during the day?

"I don't have the space". Make space. Or use what you have. You only need a space long enough for you to lie flat on the floor to get a great workout! I bet you can find that somewhere. Even if you need to do the workout on your bed.

"I don't want to". I don't allways feel the greatest joy when brushing my teeth either. -But I do it anyway as I don't want to loose my teeth. Exercise is not about what you want - it's about what you need. Your body has a basic need to move. This is as basic as eating. You need it. Even if you don't really want to. Do it anyway. Make it a habit. And suddenly you miss is when you are skipping it!

"I don't have the equipment". You don't need equipment. You need your self and the ground. You can have an amazing workout anywhere.

"I don't have money". You don't need money either. There are lot's of free workouts just waiting for you to move your butt from the couch.

"I don't believe I can get the results that I want". You can. If you haven't found the results before, you did something wrong. Great! Now you know what not to do. Try something else - like sticking to a plan, pushing hard and working your whole body. Running will get you far - as go with cycling - but to get fit, you need to work the whole body, and you need to watch you diet. Then you will really see results.

What is your excuse?


Find A Way. Workout

Set your timer for 18 rounds of 10 and 50 seconds intervals. 

10 seconds to write down your score and get ready for the next exercise.
50 seconds to squeeze out everything you have of the exercise you are on.

The whole workout is 18 minutes long. 

You decide how hard the workout is going to be. You need to push your self hard. Push MAX! If you can talk during the workout, you are not pushing hard enough. If you are not breathing heavily, you are not pushing hard enough. If you don't struggle the feeling of wanting to quit mid-workout, you are not pushing hard enough. If you have any more to give by the last beep - if you know you could squeeze out another repetition - you are NOT PUSHING HARD ENOUGH!

Push hard. Surprise your self. You are so much stronger than you think. You can push more. You can do another rep. Just one more!

Here are the exercises and my scores - (try to beat me!): 
SideLunge Jump - 55, 54, 55 2 
One Leg Squat & Side Jump - 8, 8, 8 
SideLunge Jump - 54, 55, 55 
Plank Bridge & L-sit - 16,5, 15, 20 
SideLunge Jump - 54, 54, 54 
Crocodile Push Up - 14, 10, 12 

Good luck! :-D :-D :-D

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