That's why the next plan is bodyweight only. No equipment whatsoever nessesary. Just you and your timer (which can be downloaded to you phone if you want to - there are several good "interval timer"-apps). The workouts for July is put togheter to challenge you more than ever - and I think you will love to hate them. Some of the workouts are familiar from the bodyweight plan for april, but most are brand new.
The workout plan for July also includes some bonus challenges for you guys. Just simple and fun challenges to help reach our goals. And to have fun with our fitness. I will give more detail about them later.
Here it is. Print it out, hang it somewhere visible and make sure to cross off every workout and challenge that you complete. As you cross them out, you will very visibly see how you are on your way to fitness. Real fitness - not the shallow competition kind of fitness. But real everyday fitness: a strong, healty body that can give you confidence in your self, a body you can rely on to take on whatever challenge it is presented to. Physical freedom. That is what fitness is all about.
Champion Fit Test You who have previous scores - you have a chance to compare. Push hard! Harder than ever! You are supposed to beat your self!
Set your timer for 24 rounds of 10 and 30 seconds and beat your self out in the 30 seconds of work! This workout is only 12 minutes long, but it is going to kick you ass. You will feel great when it's finished!
Here are the exercises with my scores:
High Knees (w.rope) - 80, 70, 80, 74 = 304
Mountain Climbers - 72, 68, 68, 70 = 278
Kick Ups - 54, 55, 70, 65 = 244
Dynamic Jack - 28, 30, 30, 30 = 118
Peak Jumps - 35, 33, 27, 25 = 120
Jump Tuck - 22, 23, 24, 23 = 92
To compare the previous scores to this one, ad up all the numbers for each exercise and see if you have had more reps than the last time. And...try to beat me!
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