Konika har vært med oss i to måneder allerede. Hun startet som en rookie, med full fokus på å få inn en ny treningsrutine i sin hverdag. Nå, etter to måneder er treningsrutinen på vei til å bli en livsstil.
Utviklingen har vært enorm på denne jenta. Og spesielt utholdenheten hennes har vært betydelig endret. Konika har vært sterk i ryggen og i bena fra starten, men hun var tom for energi ofte før øktene var ferdig. Hun har brukt modifikasjoner aktivt - og kan nå begynne å høste fruktene av sitt harde arbeid. Jeg jubler like mye som henne når hun forteller om en øvelse hun har oppdaget at hun kan gjøre, som hun ikke kunne gjøre tidligere. Hun er villig til å utfordre seg selv og det gir resultater.
Det er inspirerende å se hvordan hun blomstrer. Jeg er stolt og glad for å ha med denne jenta på bloggen.
Jeg spurte henne om hun kunne gi oss en oppdatering på hvordan hun opplever sin nye treningshverdag. Bl.a var hun forrige måned frustrert over at vekten ikke endret seg. Til slutt greide hun selv å se hvorfor og ble motivert til å endre på det. Konika hev seg også over vannutfordringen vår og har fortalt at hun opplever å ha mye mer energi og at hun har mer kontroll på sultfølelsen. I tillegg var hun med på nyte-maten-utfordringen, som gikk på det å være bevisst på hva man spiser, hvordan man spiser og hvordan det føles å spise det man spiser. Hvorpå hun oppdaget at hun ofte spiste uten å være sulten. Slike små oppdagelser er viktig for å holde et riktig kosthold og for å bli kjent med sin egen kropp, hva den tåler og hva den har behov for.
Her er hva hun skrev:
Hi Alanna
Thanks for the inspiring words, you really motivate me each time.
So as I said last time that I had become a complete idiot and didn't take care of food because I thought I was already doing workouts so I am allowed to eat whatever I like.
I am still not able to get rid of some sweets or craving for pizza.
But definitely I drink a lot of water, even if I am real hungry I will drink water to let it down sometimes.
I eat better now and keep a record so I can say when did I binge a lot and what should I do for it next time. My worst enemy is the parties with friends, it always has nerve weakening food.
I tell everyone that I am on workout schedule and should not eat those stuff too much.
What I feel?
Undoubtedly, I experience more energy and more focus on my work and everyday life. One week was terrible - I was too lazy to do anything else since it was lot of work pressure. As this is the last year of PhD I have to be more focused on work and these workout are great for that. I am not yet able to fix a particular time for them. I think they should be done in morning but I am always late n getting up and in evening the stomach is not empty and maybe that affects the workout and makes me tired easily.
After workout I generally don't feel like eating. So I just eat very less for dinner and that helped to loose weight initially. Pizza twice and some sweets has increased it again. :(
I feel stronger when I am able to do the difficult exercises perfect way- like jump tucks or one leg push squats and other pushups.
During those difficult workouts I sometimes feel running would have been easier or some easy workouts but I realize that their effects would not be long lasting and this is my last chance to learn something for life. And I feel if I have not dropped sweat I have not worked for my goal and these workouts, I start sweating in the first round itself! So they make me feel really happy and I have lot of faith on them.
I don't go to gym that often and I might not subscribe for it next semester instead will go out for running. I am also planning to walk or ride bike o work and home from this month, no buss pass :)
Well Others don't see any change yet and so don't believe that I am on workouts routine. But some close friends who are also interested in exercising, want to know more about you. I show them your videos and they wish me best for my workout sessions. My boyfriend says it's affecting my belly and my workout level has also become better, which is quite a compliment.
To reach my goal by this year - I think I should become very disciplined with workout and diet control, and start running everyday. I have invited my father and sister to visit me and I want to look great for them. So I need to work hard in the coming two months. And I promise to be strict on workouts and eating habits. I am doing it all because of the immense inspiration from you, but I am not sure If I will become the same old lazy person when I go from here or will become an inspiration for others. I still have to make it work for myself to be sure of it.
Thanks again for checking on me and being the great personal trainer I have ever seen.
Thank you
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